Sunday, January 4, 2015


Dear Melissa,

How can you possibly top 2014? You said the same thing about 2013, and 2012, and 2011. Life just keeps getting better and better. At times you wonder why positive, healthy things keep happening. And then you remember, because YOU wanted them to. Your decisions affect your energy. What you think about, you bring about. This is a good reminder to always remember.

At this very moment, you have everything in life you've ever wanted. You have a loving husband. A beautiful, healthy baby girl. A great group of friends and a family who you wish was closer. You have a great job that you enjoy.

How can life possibly get better?

It can. How?


Positive change.

Change that takes you out of your comfort zone.

You have a lot of things that you want to accomplish this year. Writing it down puts the elements in motion. This list will be revised and added to through the year... And as things get checked off the list. This is fun.

1) Rededicate yourself to a healthy, clean eating plan. You know you feel your best when you don't eat junk. Become a more adventurous cook.

2) Be a better wife and partner.

3) Save for the future. And that Audi S4.

4) Schedule your time so you don't forget to do things for you. Nails, hair, massage.

5) Be a more available friend.

6) Surround yourself with people who are comfortable enough in their own lives to allow you to grow.

7) Go to the gym. For your health. For stress relief. For fun. Three times per week minimum.

8) Watch at least one movie per week.

9) Go to bed after 8p but before 10p.

10) Call your mom and dad at least three times per week.

11) Your way isn't the only way (even if you know your way works.)


13) Negative self-talk is so 2014.

14) Experience more Toronto.

15) Continue laughing from your belly.

Love, Melissa

I challenge you to write down a list of goals for the year and follow your writing as your year progresses. It's amazing how fun it can be to watch how much control you have.

1 comment:

  1. Really good thoughts & motivation M'Lady. It's not enough to just think about these shall be written! This is what helps make us accountable. Keep it up! Your mind is fun and smart so we look forward to reading more. Love,
    Uncle Dad ( & Grammy)


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